Features of imprisonment of insane criminals in Russia in XVII–XVIII centuries
Investigation of the situation of insane criminals in russia in XVII century represents a significant difficulty in view of the fact that the special rules of law regulating their status were adopted by the state only in the XVIII century. legislation of the earlier period, related to this persons category, was fragmentary, and therefore the practice of restricting the freedom of offenders with mental disorders can be reconstructed only on the basis of an analysis of a large array of archival sources that shed light on the forms and methods of dealing with such criminals in judicial institutions (orders) and monasteries. the article makes an attempt to classify the deviations of the psyche, reflected in the forensic investigation papers of the XVII century. the courts of this time have already determined the possibility of applying punishment, depending on the severity of the mental state and the presence of its aggravation at the time of the offense. In general the legal practice of pre-Petrine russia was on the path of maximum mitigation of punishment by the insane up to its complete abolition in some cases. as a rule, an insane was not imprisoned in a monastery, if his actions did not contain signs of a crime or a threat of committing such a crime.
Serious changes in the legal field occurred in the XVIII century, when the legislative activity of the state began to openly destroy the legal autonomy of the church, striving for the absolute subordination of church institutions to the needs of the government.
During the first half of the XVIII century between the Synod and the punitive organs of the empire there was a conflict, connected with the vain desire of the church to relieve the monasteries of the obligation to keep the exiles, including the insane. only during the reign of Catherine II the government took measures to create special institutions for the insane and preserve special offices for them in several monasteries.
the authors come to the following conclusions:
- the practice of imprisoning insane criminals in russia before the XVIII century was poorly regulated by legal means and was formed by experience on the basis of combining the institution of monastic exile and repentance with elements of limited repressiveness of the state;
- the safe-keeping of insane criminals in monasteries was most often short-term and included an obligatory «cell rule», visiting services, labor and restraining freedom;
- in the XVIII century under the influence of state repressive legislation the conclusion of insane criminals in monasteries was subjected to secularization, drawing closer to the forms of imprisonment;
- the age of enlightenment set the government the task of releasing the church institutionsfrom itsuncharacteristicfunctions, which enabled the Synod more successfully than before to insist on the gradual liberation of monasteries from punitive functions, including the maintenance of insane criminals.
Keywords: church-penal system; insane criminals; Synod; Senate; insanes in monasteries; russian legislation on insanes in XVII – XVIII centuries
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