Legal problems of execution criminal punishment in the form of forced labor
The subject of the research in this paper are issues of legal regulation of the recognition of convicts to forced labor as evading punishment. The aim of this paper is to give an objective characterization of the relevant grounds, to identify shortcomings and gaps in their legal regulation and to formulate appropriate proposals for improving the penal legislation in this area. In the work traditional for the legal research methods were used: dialectical, induction and deduction, systemic, comparative-legal. The article analyzes the legal framework regulating the punishment in the form of forced labor, as well as the practice of executing this punishment. Gaps were identified in the order of his serving, including the need to include in the Code the reference to the absence of a valid reason for evading the order and not visiting the place of serving the sentence. The results of the work were substantiated in the text of the paper proposals on amending the existing criminal executive legislation. In order to avoid inconsistency it is proposed to state part 4 of Art. 60.2 of the Penal Code of Russia as follows: «In case of evasion of the convict from forced labor from receiving a prescription (including in case of failure to appear without a valid reason for receiving an order) or non-arrival without valid reasons, the convict shall be put on the wanted list by the territorial authorities of the penal system and is subject to detention for up to 48 hours. This period can be prolonged by the court up to 30 days».
Keywords: forced labor; correctional center; convicted to forced labor; prescription.
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