System-forming signs of state service in the law enforcement sphere
The administrative-legal institution of public service in the law-enforcement sphere is intended for practical and direct administrative and legal regulation of public-service activities in the field of performing the main types of law-and-security activities of the state. The emerging system of law regulation of civil service in the law enforcement sphere of modern Russia has a pronounced administrative and legal nature and occupies a quite definite position in the system of the administrative law branch, namely, the position of the administrative law institute. The fundamental task of institutionalizing the civil service in law enforcement is the formation of the suitable administrative and legal institution that provides administrative and legal regulation of state and official relations in the law enforcement sphere, as well as intra-organizational relations, including them in the area of personnel support for the activities of law enforcement agencies. Consideration of the administrative and legal nature of the civil service in the law enforcement sphere made it possible to formulate the following conclusions: – public service in law enforcement is a form of external expression of law enforcement activity of the state, related to the implementation of its main goals, tasks and functions in the law-enforcement sphere; – public service in the law-enforcement sphere has signs of the organizational subsystem of the state, that means it has an internal structure, a hierarchical construction of its constituent elements, is characterized by controllability and the presence of the main goal; it has internal and external connections and other system-forming properties and attributes; – public service in law enforcement is a form of in-house activity of law enforcement agencies, including in the sphere of personnel support of law enforcement agencies, which includes the implementation of goals, objectives and principles of personnel policy in law enforcement, as well as selection, placement, promotion, movement and release of employees, their education and training, social support of employees and their families; – public service in law enforcement is an administrative law institution within the subsector of the civil service that contains administrative and legal norms and other legal means that provide independent regulatory impact on public relations in the sphere of ensuring the functioning of law enforcement agencies.
Keywords: administrative and legal nature; public service; law enforcement; law enforcement activity; position of the civil service.
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