Differentiation of responsibility for sexual crimes involving minors
the subject of the study in the article were the issues of establishing and differentiating responsibility for sexual crimes including those committed by minors or when they act as victims in this category of criminal assault. the aim of the work is to provide an objective description of the corresponding means of differentiation, to identify shortcomings and gaps in legal regulation and to formulate proposals for improving criminal legislation in this area. In the work traditional for the legal research methods were used: dialectical, induction and deduction, systemic, comparative-legal. according to the authors sexual crimes occupy an insignificant share in the overall mass of crime in the country. however their serious public danger, the public concern that they cause make us think about the objectivity and effectiveness of the measures taken and the place of criminal law in the system of these measures. the result of the work was a scientifically grounded assessment of the work of the legislator on introducing changes and additions to the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: differentiation of responsibility; sexual crimes; minor; the development of criminallegislation; peculiaritiesof theregulationof thenormsonliability for infringement of sexual freedom; sexual inviolability
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