Criminal lynching among convicts sentenced to imprisonment: characteristics and preventive measures
The article gives a description of criminal lynching among convicted. These lynching will always be relevant for scientific research due to its multidimensionality, prevalence among convicts and negative consequences for prison practice. In particular they affect the provision of personal security in places of deprivation of liberty, the maintenance of a positive moral and psychological climate among the special contingent, the effective implementation of the correctional process and the achievement of the goals of the penal legislation. That is why it is necessary to conduct research work aimed at studying the socio-legal nature of criminal lynching among convicted persons. The reasons for lynching lie in the customs and traditions of the criminal subculture as well as in the predisposition to resolve conflict situations on their own in human nature. Prevention of criminal mob attacks in places of imprisonment is a very difficult task due to the latency inherent in the criminal environment. However correctional staff should take all possible measures to prevent their spread in places of social isolation. Representatives of penal science should provide scientific and methodological assistance in this direction. That is why the article sets out a set of measures to prevent this negative phenomenon.
Keywords: correctional institution; lynching; criminal lynching; penal conflict; criminal subculture; prevention of penal crime
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