Organizing and functional aspect of a medical leader’s activity in the penal system
The article is devoted to one of the most important
aspects in the penal system and is concerned with the
development of organizing and law activity of the leader
in a medical institution. The author describes the major
functions in the structure of a managerial activity of
leaders in medical institutions of the penal system. The
activity is connected with providing qualified medical aid
to the people deprived of liberty punished for criminal
offences. The author comes to a conclusion that the
leader’s activity in the penal medical institution is one
of the management directions which needs further
development. The author puts forward proposals dealt
with further administrative medical penal institutions’
development taking into account Russian and foreign
countries’ experience in the field of providing medical
aid to the deprived and those taken into custody, the
development of legal aspects of medical problems, etc.
Keywords: medical penal institutions, medical aid, the leader of a medical penal institution
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